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Latex 310 Maintenance Cartridge Issue?

#1 rodney.hurlbut7425 4 years ago

I am trying to figure out why I am getting a grainyness and ghosting. I have replaced all of my print heads but still cant figure it out. The maintenance cartridge looks a bit odd. Maybe someone has a sense of what this could be. Thanks.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @rodney.hurlbut7425, Please print the Printhead Status plot and see if there is an issue. Pay attention to the color; even if the PHs are new, they may require you to execute the PH cleaning: Settings - Image Quality Maintenance - Clean Printheads. You can clean only the affected PHs, based on the Printhead Status Plot. If after cleaning the issue remains, please contact HP Support.

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#3 rodney.hurlbut7425 4 years ago

#2 said Please print the Printhead Status plot and see if there is an issue. Pay attention to the color; even if the PHs are new, they may require you to execute the PH cleaning: Settings - Image Quality Maintenance - Clean Printheads. You can clean only the affected PHs, based on the Printhead Status Plot. If after cleaning the issue remains, please contact HP Support. Reply Hi, after a few weeks I got an HP tech who actually helped solve the issue. I was told to clean the encoder again and decided this time to remove the right side cover. I saw a lot of buildup on the rail on the right side of the carriage that was getting grease onto the encoder strip. This was wiped away with every carriage pass so I didn't see it. The dirty drive rollers were also to blame causing a blurry print in some media but not others. I needed to go into the service menu and turn the drive rollers while holding a lint free cloth over them (this takes a long time so be patient). It is key to only use water on the rollers unless you want to use rubber renew afterward as any solvent cleaner will dry out the rollers. Hope this helps anyone else experiencing a similar issue.

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