What was your overall satisfaction with LKC?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
Is anyone else experiencing optomizer head issues when utilising the ink collector? We've had our machine since October since last year and the first 5 months we're nothing but problems. We have this ongoing issue where optimizer heads fail whenever we're using the ink collector. We have the latest pen pocket that's in the 3200 in our machine and it still hasn't fixed it. The amount of lost labour and lost media now is unacceptable and it seems like printheads are being thrown at our machine instead of the root problem being resolved. The latest firmware has added extra maintenance steps for using the ink collector. Has this been done because HP recognise an issue with the machine? It's now asking to clean the printer after every roll. Park the carriage in service position. Power down wipe etc etc. Yesterday we had our machine go down again and we put in 4 brand new optimizer heads one after another and the same problem. For such an industrial machine this isn't acceptable and we really need a resolution sorted where this isn't an ongoing issue. If someone could reply that would be much appreciated.