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Latex 315 grey prints more like a light purple

#1 northcoastTIM 4 years ago

I noticed that my greys are printing more like a light purple. All other colors seem fine. I am new to printing since January and I have been scratching my head all day. I have seen other posts for other printers and I am hoping someone will have a solution for me. I have tried as a PANTONE color and also CMYK color to see if that made a difference and it does not. Any help is appreciated.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @northcoastTIM, I recommend to do the CLC, you can find more details on the user's manual. Apart from this, you need to know that grey color is one of the most difficult to print if you are not following the proper color workflow.

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#3 johnleontakianakos7158 4 years ago

#1 If everything has been printing normal until now, and your using the same ICC profile, replace the LC/LM Printhead. That is your problem. Also, check the usage of how much ink has passed through that specific printhead. If it is under 1000ml, it is covered under warranty and HP will replace the printhead. Performing a print quality optimization should show that the printhead is losing too many nozzles. Perform that on your printer, and take a picture of the solid squares that are 100% color. The LM will most likely be distorted. This will confirm the printhead is bad. HP will request all pages and pictures to be sent before they warranty the printhead.

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#4 kevinc737972 4 years ago

How old is the printer? If the problem comes back shortly after a new print head is installed, follow my solution in the following thread:

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#5 angelstattoo.pz9984 3 years ago

I've had a 1-year fight with Grey colour on our 330 and based on my experience there are two solutions. First and most important - Convert all your files to RGB in PhotoShop. Not in Flexi for example. All CMYK Greys are purplish. Rarely you may need to replace the printheads but not all. Mostly the LC and LM. Once my files were converted to RGB, the grey-purple issue just disappeared. Hope this helps.

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