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Latex 315 - why my substrate automatically advances about 3in before each job?

#1 JayC 2 years ago

Hi, Can anyone help? I have been using the printer for 3 years, and until just recently, before each job the substrate advances about 3 inches. It's wasting my paper. Is there a setting that makes it go back to the good old days? Thank you very much! -JC

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @JayC, There is a parameter that is called "top margin" but it is not advisable to put it to 0. It is always advisable to leave a certain margin even if it means loss of material. See the attached picture.

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#3 JayC 2 years ago

#2 Thank you so much Daniela! It fixed the issue!

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