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HP Latex 300 Series

#1 charbelchaaya5230 6 years ago

Guys does anybody know hoe to fix this issue? thanks

#2 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

#1 Hi @charbelchaaya5230, My first recommendation would be to try to perform a printhead cleaning routine but if the issue persists probably you should replace the printheads. Another "good practice" is to check if the maintenance cartridge is good conditions. Please, let me know if this helps, Warm regards,

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#3 charbelchaaya5230 6 years ago

#2 Hi tx dear for your reply actually i switched the position of the magenta yelow print heads now the yellow have the gradients solid colors does not have a problem!!! what is it do you think attached for reference thanks again

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#4 charbelchaaya5230 6 years ago

Hello Guys I replaced new printheads and done several alignments but still i have this gradiants issue for solid colors, Anyone suggest what to do? Attached for ref.

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#5 ivoslbg5445 6 years ago

#4 Hi charbelchaaya5230, problems are with not good contact of printheads in the carriage. You must clean very good the printheads contacts and the little gold dots on the strips where printheads are sitting. When we first installed printheads, half of them were like first picture posted by you - there LM/LC printhead is Offline . About the condition of printheads - try to print from Settings -> Image quality -> Clean printheads -> Print test plot...

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