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lATEX 360

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 EZFX 8 years ago

Hi I have a brand new l360 and I am getting annoyed with its media handling. Always get heater hits (not head) media goes up and hits the heater and then the whole print is wasted. It doesnt do it on all media. I tried for 3 hours to print on Sihl 3686 paper but no luck I get head strikes and heater strikes. I called my supplied and they said this media works 100% with my HP l 360. I paid 40000 for this printer and for it to do these things on regular basis is just not right. Regreting not getting a new Roland never had these problems with them.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi EZFX, A year ago proximately we've updated the profile for your media since it was causing some issues. You can find all the information in the following article: HP Latex 300 Printer series Paper Newsletter If updaiting the profile keeps you causing issues, I will suggest you to follow these recommendations: - Do not let the media loaded in the printer while not printing on it. - Turn off the "baypass start job safety" - Use the Take up Reel - Use Edge Holders - Add an extra top margin to the print. - Advance the media until it gets out thru the curing module. Hope this helps!

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#3 EZFX 8 years ago

Hi Thank you for the reply. The link you provided goes to a page that has a link to the media profile, which actually doesnt work. And yes did you use that take up reel (which is silly as everytime you need to print something you are wasting a few metres of the media). Did use the edge holder. Brand new media roll just opended it up. and still I get head strikes which makes the prints useless. As for the printer I am really sick and tired of it acting up. Usually it is due to the unsupported media. Even Avery vinyl does the same thing, I think the printer is too expensive to have issues like this and no support, If I knew then what I know now I would never went near a latex printer from HP.

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#4 TG-Frank 8 years ago

Regularly you should have support by the company who have delivered that printer. There are possibilities to adjust the temperature and vacuum in the profile, and what could help either is reducing the input tension. What profile do you use for that paper?

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