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Latex 360 Error message

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 richardgirard 7 years ago

My unit has an error message, "Media unloaded". I have reloaded it 3 times and it still gives that message. Using Oracal 5650 RA. It even reads the width. Any insite would be appriciated. Richard

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @RichardG It is difficult to tell from the information provide. In this case I would suggest to contact your support team they will be able to analyze the situation better. I am sorry I could not provide more useful information in here.

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#3 richardgirard 7 years ago

thanks for the reply, I did in fact get ahold of my rep and went thru it. turns out all we had to do was a hard reboot and that took care of it. After having 5 different machines over time this one I am very happy with.

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#4 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @RichardG I am happy to hear that you are back on printing

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