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Latex 360 take-up reel not winding automatically

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 zuseinc 8 years ago

Hey All, OUR ISSUE: Take-up reel will not automatically wind, substrate hits floor as it prints. Operator then has to sit next to printer and press the wind button manually to take up slack. - substrate is taped on fine and straight - wind direction switch set to 2 (as we want the print on the outside of the roll) - reel is enabled through the substrate menu, status screen confirms it is on - led is solid green - when substrate is pulled back in to printer the TUR autofeeds material out so it doesn't jam, which in my mind seems like all is well. I've been through all the youtube videos and manuals, not helping. Any insight? Thanks, Adam

#2 TG-Frank 8 years ago

Shure you set the dancer roller? With the 25500, no dancer roller was mounted. With the 26500, a dancer roller was mounted, but wasn't used to start and stop the take-up. With the Latex 300, it is important to use the dancer roller because it's position will start and stop the take-up. If using the dancer roller, could it be that something blocks it in a position too high to start winding? Try to move it manually, without media set, with any winding direction. Move it up, look if it turns. Move it down, look if it turns.

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#3 zuseinc 8 years ago

TG-Frank wrote: Shure you set the dancer roller? ... Try to move it manually, without media set, with any winding direction. Move it up, look if it turns. Move it down, look if it turns. Yep, dancer bar is in place, moving freely, not obstruction on bottom, arms rest right on the rubber bump-stops. Like I said, it seems fine when the printer takes the material back in, dancer bar goes up, triggers TUR and lets material out so it doesn't bind up. Just no action when it gets to the lower position.

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#4 TG-Frank 8 years ago

OK. In this case, i think it is a hardware problem.

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#5 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi As TG-Frank is suggesting if you consider is a hardware issue I recommend, you contact your support provider to get a more accurate answer. I would like to thank you for your understanding, and if any other questions arise, please do not hesitate to use this channel to get help.

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