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Latex 360 upgrade

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 Renz 9 years ago

Hi, Our company already had latex 360 for almost 8 months. Now, we plan to get another one. But the seller offer us 360 upgrade instead of 370. The seller said, it's 360 with additional 3 liters ink system, and cheaper than 370. - What is difference between 360 upgrade and 370 ? - Our 360 is running with Caldera v9, do we need to get latest printer without upgrading Caldera version ? Is there someone could help us for this matter ? Thanks, Renz

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Renz, Sorry for the delay, but I had to contact several HP sales colleagues in order to understand your situation. The main difference between the HP Latex 360 and the 370 in terms of capacity is that the HP Latex 360 has 775ml cartridges while the HP Latex 370 has 3L cartridges. Before choosing one or another printer, keep in mid that the HP Latex 360 is recommended for those PSP which monthly print an approximate volume of 500-1,000m2/month while the HP Latex 370 printing volume should be arround 750-1,500m2/month. I hope this information help you to choose your printer. If you need anything alse, please let me know.

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#3 Renz 9 years ago

Hi Marc, Thanks for your reply.

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