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Latex 365 - Cling Vinyl - any issues?

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 Roy_Kuzmich 7 years ago

Hi all, I have a client that used to have a Mutoh printer and prints on a Solvent White Cling Vinyl media (sorry no manufacturer or thickness available). They are having issues when using this same material on the Latex 365. They are getting head strikes. (using edge guides, using TUR) My questions? Is the Latex capable of running cling vinyl? If yes, what is the best media to use and why won't their current media work? Is there a profile that works well from the media search? Thanks, Roy K

#2 HP-ColorGuy 7 years ago

I have run General Formulations Concept 208 white static cling with good success on the Latex 300 Series printers. Use of the output platen protectors with this media can be helpful, as this media tends to get sticky when heated in the curing unit. Also, static cling medias have a shorer shelf life than other vinyls. This is due to the fact that they contain more plasticizers, which migrate to the print surface over time. Plasticizers can be removed from the print surface by wiping with Isopropyl Alcohol. On the HP Latex 500 Series, use of the Wiper Roller can be highly effective for plasticizer-contaminated print surfaces.

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#3 AdaptiveTextile 7 years ago

A couple of issues we have found while using the cling vinyl: 1. The protective sheet on the back for the vinyl separates, then the substrate gets stuck in the heating area. This causes it to stick, and curl upwards, causing printhead strikes. You can use the output platen protector sheets (as noted above) to help prevent this type of head strikes. They should have come with the printer. 2. Some vinyls like to naturally curl upwards BEFORE entering the heating area. This will cause major issues. Unfortunately, to fix this, you may have to manually move the substrate forward 6-10" from the Latex front panel. It does waste substrate. This will force the vinyl into the heating area without curling.. without doing so, it likes to hit the top, and get stuck on screws in there. You may also notice scratches in your prints if this was part of the issue. I hope any of this helps!

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