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Latex 365 image shift possible?

#1 phil18156 a year ago

Hi All, I am printing things for cutting, but by default the prints are too close to the edge of material for cutter mark detection... How can I move the print away from the right margin? I know there is a setting that can shift 7.2mm from rhs but that is not enough. I can't find anything in the printer settings that works and my rip (Onyx PosterShop 12)(old version is all I have) can't move the print, so it always comes out right against right margin.

#2 woody151217953 a year ago

Good morning, if you are using the onyx RIP , when you look at the screen on the right hand side there is your "print now" box. at the top of this box you have button that looks like a gear with the word placement next to it. click on this button and it will allow you to set the offsets etc. I hope this helps. TBH i am fairly new to the onyx RIP and latex printer and i am not sure of the layout of the version you are using but i had a similar issue myself the other day.

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#3 phil18156 a year ago

Perfect! Right under my nose... I was looking through all the printer setup options, it seems strange that it is not in those also.

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#4 woody151217953 a year ago

Glad it worked for you

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