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Latex 365 internet connectivity issue

#1 HarborEnt 3 years ago

My HP Latex 365 is having trouble connecting to the internet. I have the latest firmware updated and have checked to make sure the cable is secure on both the printer and the router. When I run the Connectivity Wizard I get an error on #13 (Internet connectivity settings) of step 2 (internet connectivity) with the error message "[29] No internet connectivity detected. Internet Connectivity may require enabling the web proxy. Click 'Modify' to enable the proxy, define the address and port." I do not want to run through a web proxy as I have a cable directly connected to the router. Any help for this issue will be appreciated. I am able to see the printer through its ip address and have connected it locally to a computer's RIP software, but cannot search for media presets through the substrate library.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @HarborEnt, In order to fix the issue, please follow the recommendations from the attached document.

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#3 geneva8905 3 years ago

#2 Part of this is in spanish. I really don't understand any of this.

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#4 geneva8905 3 years ago

I NEED HELP. THe 62:09 keeps popping up and stopping in the middle of the print. What is the workaround.

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#5 jolenecornett9969 3 years ago

I am having this same issue, glad to see nobody was able to help....

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hello, The main issue is related to the proxy configuration. We have the attached document that explains how to configure it, there is no other solution than configure it since it is blocking the printer internet access. See in the document attached the instructions to include in the whitelist of acceptable entities (Domains) that are allowed to be accessed in the network. Although the document is for the latex 3000 and 1500 series, the instructions and the domains are the same for other printers, and all the instructions and pictures of the menus are in English.

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#7 fincka 2 years ago

I have found the solution to that problem. activate the firewall in printer setting and then it works ! I think it's a bug. that workaround works

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#8 amiladhishan412591 2 years ago

Hey HarborEnt, I've had a similar issue with my Latex 365 and it sounds like you've done all the right troubleshooting steps. Have you tried disabling any web proxy settings that may be enabled on your router or computer? I personally use for my internet connections and haven't had any issues with connectivity. It could be worth a shot to try disabling any proxy settings and see if that resolves the issue. Good luck!

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