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Latex 365 Soft Lock when printing

#1 john8274 4 years ago

We just got our 365 and are working out the kinks; however so far in trying to print half of our jobs, the printer has entered a soft lock. I'll send over the file for print, check the status, and it says it's printing, but has no title and no image, and the heater is trying to get to 77 Fahrenheit. We didn't know what was happening the first time so we let it do it's thing and it took and hour to get down to 77, then just sat there. Can't cancel, can't connect, can't even see the queue. The only solution every time is to power cycle the entire machine. Any ideas what's causing it and how to avoid it? We're using Onyx for our rip software; happy to provide any other necessary info.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @john8274, I suggest checking if the connection is stable between the RIP, PC, and printer. Also, make sure you have the latest firmware version installed. If the issue is still happening, we might need additional details to troubleshoot or you might need to contact your support representative.

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#3 paulelw 4 years ago

Reinstall the latest firmware via a USB Stick. Check your network connection is a proper gigabit with new certified cables to the printer. Make sure the timeout duration on the front panel is 60 minutes - the default of 20 minutes can be a bit annoying. You can directly connect the printer to your pc to test connection interference. I trust this helps you and please post any results if you need help or otherwise.

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