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Latex 365 Tiling issues

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 darkknight776344 5 years ago

Hi all! A few occasions now whist printing some large tiled jobs the fitters have reported issues with alignment/fit. Double checking back over job history, panels are printed one after the other ( back to back) same settings/file have been used in Caldera. All RIP settings appear to be correct - Scaling at 100% At a bit of a loss now. have any of you experienced similar? Cheers in advance Jay

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 Hi Jay - take a look at similar posts in this link (likeLatex 360 question or just latex 360...): Basically it's the temperature, the material and the take-up reel. Take-up reel is pulling too strong the substrate, the substrate is deforming from the middle to the side and if substrate is deforming too much in high temp - you've got the result. And again no matter what "Skew acceptance" you've set when loading, after a long printing the material is skewing... Cheers

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#3 darkknight776344 5 years ago

Thank you squire! That had been by deductions also. Sadly my MD would not accept this as a reason for the errors.

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

Gather round latex warriors The most obvious is most rejectable However a few remedies (not always working when many variables are mixing - humidity, substrate condition and so on): make more overlapping (half inch ) we are using sometimes inch to overlap images; lower the temperature if possible; try to set skew as minimal as possible and don't use take-up reel for these prints (also if possible), otherwise you have to load media with take-up reel from the beginning and throw a lot of substrate... check dimensions in files because caldera sometimes i rounding numbers - like you are setting 9.0 and its doing - 8.99 and throw some beans and hope Last is mantra of mine for wallpapers Cheers again and best of luck

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