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Latex 570 Constant Issues

HP Latex 500 Series

#1 james5242 6 years ago

Within the last month we have replaced curing modules and power supplies under warranty with HP but we continue to have error code 16.41:10 or 16.43:10. HP has now said that we are supplying too much voltage to the printer, used a voltmeter to show that we supplying around 242V to 247V constantly, no spikes or other issues have been found. HP has said that we need to supply 230V to the printer and our problems will be solved. Does anyone have experience with this issue or can anyone show me a voltage regulator powerful enough to handle this printer that doesn't cost $3,000 to $5,000? My fear is that I purchase a voltage regulator and end up still having to replace heating components and power supplies once warranty is out. Any help greatly appreciated.

#2 team-tsunami5255 6 years ago

Hi, it's possible to use the same options as 335 has an app you can use as the HP Signage Suite and HP Waal Art Suite so I can integrate it to my website if I buy a 570? The best greetings Jonas

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