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Latex 700W Color Calibration is in expired status despite low print head usage.

#1 hatano22103 10 months ago

Multiple original material presets suddenly switch to color calibration expired status. This is not after the print head has been replaced. The print head usage is also small. We are having trouble getting color calibration again for all material presets after this has been confirmed. Does anyone know of a solution to this phenomenon?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 10 months ago

Hi @hatano22103, Can you please confirm which profiles are impacted? You mentioned multiple original material presets but not which one has the issue. We need more details to try and reproduce the issue with our printers.

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#3 hatano22103 10 months ago

Hi @HP Daniela Ciolompea, We can provide you with all of the profiles (OMS files) that have been confirmed to be abruptly expired for color calibration. How do I submit them? There are 11 different profiles.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 10 months ago

Hi @hatano22103, Please drop me an email at

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#5 hatano22103 10 months ago

Hi @HP Daniela Ciolompea, I have sent it to you by email, please check it out.

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#6 reply22144 10 months ago

It seems like you're encountering an issue with the color calibration on your Latex 700W printer despite low print head usage. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem: Check Calibration Settings. Ensure that the calibration settings are correctly configured in the printer's settings menu. Sometimes, settings can be inadvertently changed, causing calibration issues. Perform Manual Calibration: If the automatic calibration is not working, you can try performing a manual calibration. This typically involves printing a calibration test pattern and adjusting the color settings accordingly.

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