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Latex 700W Curtain Motor Failed - Set To Manual

#1 rory8297 a year ago

The Right Curtain Motor (Door that Opens at the exit of the Curing) on our L700W has failed which causes Error 0016-0009-0261 at around 66% of the Initialization process and it needs to be restarted and it has the same error again. The machine not being able to start up is major concern because of the white circulation.! After trying to emulate the Curtain/Door movement during the Initialization process I got a different error 0016-0009-0260 which allowed an option to manually operate the Curtain/Door which allowed us to get the machine up and print. We have set the machine to 60 minutes before going to sleep so that the White ink maintenance can run but it does not keep it up permanently. Overnight it cannot wake from sleep without getting the error 0016-0009-0260 and then is off for the rest of the night. It takes 10 to 30 restarts to get it to offer the manual option by moving the Curtain/Door, so getting it up is not easy. Is there a way to force the Curtain/Door into manual mode permanently ? Is there a defined way to trigger 0016-0009-0260 which allows the manual option to be selected? Is there a way to stop the sleep cycle so it stays up until we can get the tech with parts to us?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @ry8297, The curtain motor has an electrical failure. Make sure that the printer has the latest FW. If the problem persists, contact your support representative, as the curtain motor might need to be replaced. Forcing the curtain/door into manual mode is not possible and it's not a solution to this issue.

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#3 info12772 a year ago

#1 I recently had the same issue, seems like 700 W has way more problems than previous models. My solution was to disconnect/unplug the faulty motor, that solved the issue. Now it’s just manual, and you have to remember to lift it up when media is advancing

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#4 rory8297 a year ago

#3 Many Thanks. Support was advised on 02/02/23 and the parts are ETA on 20/02/23, before they can schedule the visit to do the replacement which could add another week. It is still under first year warranty. I disconnected the motor and it gives us the manual option, Fantastic! Did you consider disconnecting the other motor as well? Thanks that's a great help rather than not being able to use the machine for almost a month and risking the White circulation!! We much prefer running with the door in Manual mode as we have less problems with the materials getting jammed by the door. I'm not sure if we will bother to have the motor replaced! It would be awesome if there was a Button/Menu Option to open the door on command!

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#5 info12772 a year ago

#4 the printer is designed for that door to be open at the beginning when the vinyl is going through, and then to close, once the vinyl goes through in order to preserve the temperature inside. I found myself forgetting to open it after unloading, which result in print head jam during the loading process.. It’s best you have it operational. To be honest, this issue is the least of my worries about the 700 printer. We have daily hard error messages, which require us to restart the printer, and other small issues of cheap plastic parts falling apart.. our printer is couple of months out of warranty now, so I’m not even sure how to go about ordering parts. Technician that worked on my machine once told me that it’s extremely hard, or extremely expensive to order any parts outside of the warranty. We decided that our next or additional printers wouldn’t be HP, in the meantime we are hopeful it would last us couple of more years.. My suggestion, point out every single small issue to the technician that come to fix her motor, and have them replace those modules

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#6 info12701 a year ago

I also have this problem for almost 1 year now. The Curtain motors have been replaced 3 times now and also the wiring harness has been replced by my support representative. The problem still comes back. Can somebody tell me what is the solution to solve this problem?

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