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Latex R1000 Aluminum Curing Temperature

#1 Image360-York 4 years ago

Hello All, We consistently encounter head strikes and crashes when running .040 aluminum through our Latex R1000 flatbed, from the material warping inside the printer. We are using the heat-sensitive lever during the printing process. Does anyone have any recommendations to help alleviate this issue? Curing temps, vacuum settings are some of my thoughts. Thanks

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Image360-York, I would recommend using the generic substrate available on the substrate library. Hope this helps.

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#3 ctustin7302 4 years ago

Hi @Image360-York, I am having this same issue trying to print on .040" aluminum. Did you have any success adjusting your settings? Thanks in advance!

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#4 HP-daniel.donnelly5413 4 years ago

Hi @Image360-York, Increase print airflow to 100. Set cure vacuum to 250 or less if available. Set input and print cure to 1300. Increase cure gap to 1.25". Increase cure airflow to 500. If curing is not complete (impinging marks): Reduce ink density (color dependent of course). Increase passes. Increase cure airflow. Increase cure temp. Add 500ms interpass delay.

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#5 tomhunter1.970239088 3 years ago

#4 Thank you so much for helping with this wonderful Post. upsers account

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