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Latex R2000 - Bulk delete of History files/jobs

#1 goodwill5161 4 years ago

How do I delete jobs in the R2000 History queue in order to create space? I find there are quite a lot of jobs in this queue.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @goodwill5161, If you are running the latest FW version available, or even the previous one, there is an automatic routine that deletes old jobs not used lately. When your IPS HDD free space is less than 150 Gb, it will delete the high-resolution TIFF files on your unused jobs from the last 90 days. Notice that non-applicable files in the Job History database won't be deleted. Also, job entries in the inbox will not be deleted.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @goodwill5161, This is an automated process that was done every 90 days with the SKAAR_19_19_36.15 firmware version. If you have installed the SKAAR_20_21_03.7 one, this is now done every 30 days. All the jobs not used in the last 30 days will be deleted automatically, without any action from your side. If your concern is the inbox having too many jobs, these can be deleted from the IPS. You can select several jobs and delete them from the recycle bin icon (see attached picture). Take into account that it will delete them only from the IPS; if these are stored in another folder on the PC, it will not free up space. That will be done later with the automated process mentioned before.

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#4 wbatson6871 2 years ago

#3 Hello, Our machine is not deleting orders from the history. We have jobs there that are over one year old so they are not being delted if they are 30 days old. We run SKAAR_20_21_03.7

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