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Latex SDK

#1 Vishal_Sahay 8 years ago

Where can we access the public SDK for Latex and Scitex produts?

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Vishal_Sahay: You should redirect this request to “”, providing the following information: Business Case Name/Title: Large Format Printer Solutions Business Case Category: Designjet/Latex/Scitex (select) Business Case Benefits/Requirements Description: Please describe in detail: Design: Development: Testing: Market/Selling: Order Processing: Production: Distribution: Support: Who will take payments: Amount of added Revenue (either shared revenue or leveraged HP product): How does HP benefit?: Total number of devices this solution will be deployed on over the next 12-18 months?: Which region will you provide support for?: Solution: solution name: solution description: solution type: solution product: solution technology: targeted release: Hope this helps.

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#3 AlexGan a year ago

Yes, mobile applications make a person’s life much easier in the modern world. Nowadays you can do absolutely everything through your phone; it’s a pocket computer in the literal sense of the word. By the way, there are even mobile applications for printers, air conditioners, kettles, and so on, if only it would be convenient for a person to turn on and configure all these devices without getting out of bed. There are mobile app development services specialized IT companies of the CodeIT type . You can go to their website and look at the projects they have already completed. This company has been in the software development market for more than 14 years and during this time has managed to gain a lot of trust from its clients. I am sure that you too will be able to cooperate with them.

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#4 Sergio1 a year ago

For LaTeX, users typically interact with it through its markup language, and there might be various tools and libraries available for specific tasks related to LaTeX document processing. However, these are often not packaged as a single SDK. For information on any SDKs related to LaTeX or Scitex that may have been developed or released since my last update, I recommend checking the official websites of the respective products or contacting the support channels for LaTeX or Scitex. Additionally, you can explore relevant developer forums, repositories on platforms like GitHub, or academic and scientific communities where LaTeX is commonly used for document preparation.

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#5 KlarkKent a year ago

Contact support, they will give you the correct answer.

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