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Lc banding issues

HP Latex 570 Printer

#1 Zhivko Yanakiev 5 years ago

Hi everyone. I am having a weird issue with the Lm/Lc printhead (or the ink supply to the printhead). The Lc, suddenly, started to print with a pretty bad banding. Error code 98:03 pops out on the screen every time I am printing colors requiring Lc ink. The printhead is in use for about 3 months and still in waranty. Cleaning doesn't affect the print quality. I changed the ink, but this didn't affect the print results. Then I replaced the printhead and the result was about 3...4m of good print and then got the same problem with the new printhead. Even the nozzle check print plot looked the same for both print heads. I replaced the maintenance cartridge and extended the inter - pass delay offset which gave a slightly better print result, but the nozzle check print plot now (surprisingly) looks horrible! The inks are checked at and it says 'GOOD TO USE'. So my best guess is an ink supply issue. Probably something related to the backflow valve (speculating here), even though not 100% sure, because the printhead weight is same as all the others - 59/60gr. So it should be well 'fed' with ink. Anyone with a similar experience or ideas away from 'call the service center' is welcome to share them. The printer is in use since september 2018.

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 Hi Zhivko have you tried to clean the printhead's gold-plated contacts and the carriage contacts also (the error code means Too many nozzles out)...

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#3 Zhivko Yanakiev 5 years ago

Oh yes. I forgot to mention that . I have cleaned them. I checked what the error code is related to and, yes, pretty much nozzles are missing. Something like 25...30%

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

is there any physical damage to the nozzles (like hitting or sliding over substrate or hitting maintenance cartridge)? Could be the ink-tower (where the PH needles are going into) - we already replaced the OP both ink-towers and now it's transparent and easy to see ink or bubbles We encountered several faulty PH's no matter if they were brand new - had to replace through our dealer...

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#5 Zhivko Yanakiev 5 years ago

The current printhead is use in less than 48 hours with a new maintenance cartridge. I can't see any visible signs of a hit, anywhere. Also no media jams since the PH has been replaced. How can I inspect the ink-tower?

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#6 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

Our tech-minion just replaced them, "you can't see if it's defective" - there were no errors of that PH but ink was progressively lowering down...sorry can't be much of assistance here, but we had to call tech support after many problems and that was the conclusion..

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#7 Zhivko Yanakiev 5 years ago

That might be quite helpful actually Thanks!

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#8 Zhivko Yanakiev 5 years ago

All of my guesses are gravitating around air in the system / impaired ink supply. Eventually we contacted the local HP representative. Looking forward to see the solution!

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#9 ntruskey8452 4 years ago

#9 Hi! I think I'm experiencing a similar issue, do you recall how it was resolved?

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#10 zinkdesignz11796 9 months ago

I am having the same issue with my HP 115 with the yellow magenta print head. Banding comes and goes. It really makes it difficult to print a full roll. (Trying to get HP support out here in the middle of Montana is a nightmare.) Any get this solved?

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