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Line in PolyesterGrayBak media

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 agBoston 8 years ago

I'm getting a line in my Pullup banners , it seems as if transport rollers are marking media somehow. Also maring on gray back of the media. Is anyone else having simular problems Printer HP360 Media PVC Vinyl/polyester blend base film opaque gray backer

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi AgBoston, seems that you are experiencing Vertical Banding issues in a very delimited area. This makes me think that the issues could be related with the "gap" between the removable printzone parts. I will suggest you to put a piece of tape on top of the gap. This may solve your issue. if not I'll recommend you to contact your service source in order to check the printer. Hope this helps.

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