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Low ink

#1 SPT777 3 years ago

Good morning, The 'very low ink' warning is coming up on the yellow cartridge. The volume indicator is showing 9%. How low can you allow to go before it becomes imperative to change it. We obviously don't want to damage the printer but at the same time it seems wasteful to throw away that amount of ink. Cheers

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @SPT777, Can you please advise the printer model.

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#3 SPT777 3 years ago

Hi Daniela, It's a Latex 800W

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @SPT777, The cartridge can be used all the way until it's empty. It is just a warning to make you aware you will need a new cartridge soon. On the other hand, I would suggest that if you are running long jobs, put this cartridge aside and use it in shorter runs so you don't run out of ink in the middle of a print.

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#5 SPT777 3 years ago

Hi Daniela, Thanks for that, very much appreciated. Steve

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