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Media Length data lost

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 SCB44 8 years ago

I loaded media into my HP 365 and enabled media length tracking. I printed about 96" attached to the take-up reel and used the "move media" to move about 48" of the newly printed images backwards onto the supply roll. Then I advanced the media back out so the last image was even with the print head. The media length tracking showed "unknown". Somehow I lost the the value of the remaining media and I am wondering how it happened. I like being able to track the media length and don't want to lose that value in the future if someone can explain to me what I did wrong. Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi SCB44, Which media are you using? If the media is transparent or too glossy sometimes the media tracking of your HP Latex 365 printer will not perform properly. If your media is not transparent nor glossy, i have to say that it's the first time I've seen issues with the media tracking. I do not have a HP Latex 360 available here, but we've followed your steps in our HP Latex 360 and we didn't have any issue. I will suggest you to contact your support source in order to check that everything is ok with your printer. However, the usual way to use the media length tracking is the following: 1- Introduce the amount of media left on the loaded roll when loading it. 2- Print (do not forward or backward the media) 3- When downloading the media you will see the length of media remaining in your roll. You should write it down somewhere in order to keep it.

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#3 SCB44 8 years ago

We are using Sihl 3686 - typical photopaper. The HP 365 does a resonable job of tracking media remaing when we print an entire roll, but on this particulart instance it lost the length and I was just trying to identify what went wrong. We will keep an eye on this and try to document excatly what happens next time so you can reproduce it.

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