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My HP 570 Latex Printer is printing fuzzy in the "X" axis and double imaging ???

#1 rafarturin 4 years ago

I am new to My HP 570 Latex Printer I had help from techs to set the ICC profile for the first type of vinyl, but now I am trying to set a profile for a different (Thicker)material IJ680CR-10 for which there is not a profile in the internet and when I try to set the calibration it prints from the X axis blurry and it prints double image.. how do I fix this problem... Thank you for any help...

#2 paulelw 4 years ago

#1 rafarturin I would check the following. Clean encoder strip. This can be done via front panel under user maintenance. Assuming your X Axis it the left and right movement of the carriage a misread on the encoder strip can cause double imaging. Check your printheads and change any that are not working properly. Build up of ink can cause deflection in nozzle firing. Check printhead life and quality with a diagnostic image in the clean printheads feature in Image Quality Maintenance menu. Once all these items are addressed then I would load the media with a generic profile suited to the media type and then do a printhead alignment. After this and the print is successful and looks good you can then continue to create a profile. I trust this helps you and feel free to post images of any issues that may help us here.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @rafarturin, There is a media preset on media locator: You should use this one and do all the required calibrations before printing: Alignment and media advance calibrations.

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