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Need help with Magenta Cast in L260 printer

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 David_Richard 10 years ago

HI everyone, I need help fixing a magenta cast in a 2nd gen latex. I have a client with 3 L260 printers. 2 of them print the same and the third one adds a magenta cast to all the prints. We changed all the magenta and light magenta printheads and it still have the same cast. I even reinstalled the profiles, reset, everything. Just so all the printers start from the same baseline. Is there some sort of internal color calibration I can perform to "reset" the machine's baseline ? Or maybe change the voltage going to the heads... ? Thanks !!

#2 dypinc 10 years ago

"the same baseline" Right there is your problem. Each printer needs have it own baseline (linearization, ink limiting).

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