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New Cartridges registering as empty

#1 ian19692 a year ago

I have the following problem, The light cyan came up with an error saying intermediate cartridge problem, this was replaced, the cartridge still did not work, I have replaced the PIP also. then the flashing lights at the cartridge stopped working so I have replaced the cartridge connector, the lights are working again but the machine is registering any new cartridge as empty even a brand new full one. the same cartridges work on my other machine. any suggestions? Thanks

#2 royalbert86719722 12 months ago

You've finished a thorough job troubleshooting the intermediate cartridge hassle. Since the machine is still registering new cartridges as empty, not with standing replacements, it is probably an issue with the cartridge sensor or its internal software. I'd endorse checking the sensor connections and updating the firmware if applicable. If the hassle persists, contacting technical assistance or a professional technician might be necessary. In the period in between, if you're dealing with similar demanding situations together with your Management Assignment Help, searching for control challenge assistance may want to offer treasured aid and guidance.

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#3 ian19692 12 months ago

#2 Thank Roy, We had updated the firmware and I checked all connections. I got lucky it actually registered an empty cartridge. It seems the system was caught in a loop for some reason so a forced refill of the intermediate tank seemed to set things back to normal. but this only worked because we got lucky and the machine accepted an empty cartridge! Your reply was much appreciated. Cheers

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