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New HP 365 Printing Issue

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 mike1111 7 years ago

Hi Guys, We just purchased a new HP 365 Latex printer. I am trying to print some maps on canvas but the print quality is leaving a lot to be desired. I am new to Latex printers so I am not exactly sure what is going on. Please forgive my ignorance. We are getting a weird texture in the print. I have attached a picture of the issue. I am hoping this is an easy fix but not sure what I should be fixing. Any ideas? We are printing on Sihl Picasso Canvas. Thank you in advance. Mike

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @mike1111 In order to get the best results of your printer I always advice to use a Certified Media. You can do your search and choose your best option at the Media Locator. You can have a look at the following video to understand how it works. I hope this information helps

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#3 mike1111 7 years ago

Hi, Thank you for the response. I have switched to using HP Premium Satin Canvas with the appropriate profile yet I am still having issues. I have attached a pic of our most recent print attempt. There is a vertical line in the print where it looks like the ink did not stick. You can also barely see the line on the unprinted area of the media. Almost like there is something on the rollers. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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#4 HP-ColorGuy 7 years ago

You mention that you can see the marks in the un-inked area of the media. Are the same marks present in areas of the roll which have not gone into the printer's media path? In other words, if you were to unwind a new area from the roll and lay it out flat on a table, are the marks present, or do they go away? This should provide a clue as to whether the marks are coming from the printer, or are present on the entire roll.

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#5 mike1111 7 years ago

@ColorGuy Thanks for the reply. I did inspect the rest of the canvas but there were no markings on it. This is definitely something the printer is doing. It has happened on two different canvas brands. I canceled this job and reprinted exactly the same way and the markings went away. Strange

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#6 AdaptiveTextile 7 years ago

I have the same issue with wallaper. My print will start, then moves past the print head. Once it works its way INTO the heating area, the substrate arches upwards, and scrapes the top of the curing area. The ink isnt dry yet at that point, so it just scrapes off. It stops after the print gets long enough, and cant curl upwards anymore. I can usually either move the substrate forward a bit before thr print (this wastes subsrate), OR I put something long and thin into the curing area, to hold it down carefully, just until the substrate passes the scraping point. I'm not sure if this is your issue, but I'd thought I would throw in my $.02

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