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Not sure which PH is bad

#1 faridsk 4 years ago

Can someone look at my plot and tell me which PH I need to replace. I have been told to replace the Black/Cyan PH but i see the bands on Light Cyan (or I may be wrong). However also to note is that I have recently replaced the LM/LC PH but I am suspecting that is the one that is problematic. My PH status shows both Black/Cyan are fine (or maybe I am not reading it right). Any help is appreciated.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @faridsk, Looking at the pictures you attached, you should clean C/B printhead before trying to change it for a new one. In addition to this, I would recommend doing a full printhead clean just in case. I hope it helps.

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#3 faridsk 4 years ago

It was the LC/LM and not the C/B. I replaced it and the banding is gone

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