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Nozzle test pattern in middle of print job

#1 wcearles8241 4 years ago

I have started getting a nozzle test pattern in the middle of my print jobs. It happens randomly, but occurring more often now. Has anyone had this problem before? I have attached pics.

#2 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#1 Hi wcearles8241, there is a problem either with cables (to the carriage) or with PCB - tech support is needed in this case.... I found similar article -

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#3 wcearles8241 4 years ago

#2 Thank you for responding. That was my thread on Signs 101. I replaced the trailing cable and everything seems to be good now. I still do not have internet connectivity. All tests pass except internet connectivity. Cant update firmware or access online media profiles.

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#4 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#3 check the topics next - looks like connectivity is down.. some changes may be made to the substrate preset server...check IP adress assigned from your server, but I'm not into it, because of lots of variables like antivirus software, ping time, sleep time, transfer permits and so on, we just connected 1 PC directly to the printer with Caldera on it an problems solved...

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#5 a year ago

Hi there, It looks like you are experiencing some issues with your printer producing a nozzle test pattern in the middle of your print jobs. Based on the comments, it seems like there may be a problem with the cables or PCB. However, it is always best to seek tech support to properly diagnose the issue. It is good to see that the problem was solved by replacing the trailing cable, but it appears that you are still having some connectivity issues. Have you tried checking the topics next or the IP address assigned from your server to see if there are any changes made to the substrate preset server? As ivoslbg5445 mentioned, there are many variables that can affect connectivity, but hopefully, you can get it resolved soon. As for the testing side, I would recommend reading this article: "How To Optimize Performance Testing: Solutions and Tools". I recommend it to all beginners to read.

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