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Odd Blurriness in Print

#1 dtischler10584 2 years ago

I'm printing on a 3600 and I'm in need of some expertise. I'm having an issue specifically with a blackout roller shade fabric. On some more detailed patterns I'm printing, I lose the detail and it gets blurry. You would think it would be all the way across the print and fabric due to some sort of scan axis or even due to the OMAS. It is not across the whole width of the fabric. This last one I printed was in sporadic parts of the print. I'm beginning to think it could be something with the fabric but wanted to turn here before I blame the fabric manufacturer. Please help!!!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @dtischler10584, From the description, it is not clear which specific media you are using, but if it is a blackout roller shade fabric we suppose it is polyester, and polyester is usually stretchy. If the media is not certified we cannot ensure which will be the performance of the media. If you go to the media locator you can search for certified media that could work for your application.

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