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One of my 300 series printers not working after upgrade to Onyx Productionhouse 12.1

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 ColoursImaging 8 years ago

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem I am with my two HP Latex printers. After installing an update to to my Onyx Production House, 12 to 12.1, I can not run my HP 360. I get an error HP: Tailgate Feature not supported. Only on my 360 not the 370 that I have running currently. I have attached a screen pic of the error on Onyx. Any ideas?

#2 ColoursImaging 8 years ago

I have the newest firmware on both of my printers, one 370 and 360. I have also made sure I have the current print driver for my Onyx. Only the 360 is having the tailgate error not the 370.

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#3 --- 7 years ago

I also have this problem, (but after) upgrading to from 12.1 my HP 370 doesn't want to print has the HP: Tailgate feature not supported. The 370 has the lastest firmware.

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#4 ColoursImaging 7 years ago

The problem is that the 300 series printers don’t support continuous printing with the current driver from Onyx. The work around until they update the driver is changing the printer settings by unchecking the continuous printing box also know as tailgate feature.

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