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Online Profiles + Exporting and Importing of Profiles - L300 series vs. L500 series

HP Latex 500 Series

#1 Roy_Kuzmich 6 years ago

Part 1: Online Search I had a couple of different clients check the online media search directly from the front panels of an L365 and an L580. I am curious as to why the L365 had 956 total media profiles available and the L580 had only 446 media profiles available? Also, checking specifically the Arlon media - the L365 had 16 and the L580 had only 6. Adding to this, the HP Permanent Gloss Adhesive was not available on the L580 Part 2: Exporting Profiles As so many profiles were not available on the L580 we tried to Export profiles from the L365 using the Embedded Web Server and import them to the L580. It at first appeared to work and adds the word 'emulated' to the media name. But this creates other issues within Onyx and the media selection. The front panel of the printer continues to ask for a color calibration to be done. Once done it says that it failed and we should choose an ICC profile. Any explanation on the profiles available and the proper exporting of profiles would be greatly appreciated. Roy K

#2 Roy_Kuzmich 6 years ago

Just checked another common brand here in North America 3M IJ180 mc-10 Searchable on the L365 Not on the L315 and Not on the L580 Roy K

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#3 HP-Sonia 6 years ago

Answering to the first part of your post, the reduced list of substrates is due to not all the medias are being profiled in all the printers yet or that not all the medias are compatibles with all HP Latex Printers. For the second part of you post, exporting profiles can vary from printer model to printer model as the printers are different and some combinations are not compatible. I recommend to watch these videos: As well as to read this article: If you are experiencing problems with Onyx, please contact your reseller or Onyx directly. I hope this information helps

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#4 Roy_Kuzmich 6 years ago

Hi Sonia, The Article regarding the Color Accuracy and Consistency is good information to have and present to my clients - Thank You I was following the instructions correctly for exporting the profiles - The problems occurred when importing them to the L570 (from L365 to L570) - The front panel of the printer auto added the '-emulated' at the end of the profile. (Is that due to it being a profile from the L365?) I understand that I should then do a color calibration, but why would the profile say it failed after the color calibration? We should be able to easily move profiles from one unit to the other for any of the current Latex Models - the ink is all the same. Especially if the profiles ore not yet available to download from the Online Search Media Locator. Roy K

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#5 HP-rana 6 years ago

Dear Roy, Adding the "-emulated" happens whenever the imported profile comes from a different model, so is correct and expected behaviour in this case. The colour calibration can fail if there is any print quality or substrate defect. Try using the Quick Solutions from the front-panel to troubleshoot this, and then try the colour calibration again. If the colour calibration fails repeatedly, you may need to contact your support provider to get the hardware checked. thanks -rana-

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