Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Part 1: Online Search I had a couple of different clients check the online media search directly from the front panels of an L365 and an L580. I am curious as to why the L365 had 956 total media profiles available and the L580 had only 446 media profiles available? Also, checking specifically the Arlon media - the L365 had 16 and the L580 had only 6. Adding to this, the HP Permanent Gloss Adhesive was not available on the L580 Part 2: Exporting Profiles As so many profiles were not available on the L580 we tried to Export profiles from the L365 using the Embedded Web Server and import them to the L580. It at first appeared to work and adds the word 'emulated' to the media name. But this creates other issues within Onyx and the media selection. The front panel of the printer continues to ask for a color calibration to be done. Once done it says that it failed and we should choose an ICC profile. Any explanation on the profiles available and the proper exporting of profiles would be greatly appreciated. Roy K