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Optimizer chart

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Colormann 7 years ago

In his You tube video, Jim Mitchell showed a specially made Optimizer amount test chart. Where can I get one? Link url?

#2 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Colormann Here is the video that you were mentioning: HP Latex Optimizer: What role it plays in printing I would also like to note that on each media profile there is the information about the quantity of ink and optimizer to give the best results on the media. That’s the reason because from HP we always recommend to use the Media Solution Locator and download the appropriate profile. Please let me know if this information helps.

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#3 Colormann 7 years ago

Uh, you gave me what I already had and ignored what I clearly stated I wanted.

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#4 HP-Sonia 7 years ago

Hello @Colormann I am afraid I cannot help you this time. I suggest to use media profiles which are already optimize for the specific substrates.

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#5 HP-ColorGuy 7 years ago

The Optimizer chart is firmware-based. It is dynamically created and printed, and is based on the Media Preset for the media loaded in the printer in real-time. It is accessed from the printer's Front Panel: Settings Icon > Image Quality Maintenance > Print Latex Optimizer Check Plot.

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#6 AdaptiveTextile 7 years ago

You can either follow the directions in the post above, or you can access the chart when you go to create a new/ modify an existing substrate. from the front panel of the printer: - click on substrate library -click on add new substrate OR click an existing one, hit modify, and then the pencil icon next to the mode you want to test -click on the "print test" option in the top left corner heres a pic of mine for reference

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