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Pantone colours & calibrating.

#1 Drunknmonk 5 years ago

Hi All is there a way to keep the Pantone colours (match) to there very best, all I do is calibrate the colours every morning, but I'm seeing the colours are out, running HP 365 Latex with Thrive 18.5.

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

There is quite a few information on this subject on the blog: I suggest you have a look at it. There might be 2 reasons because you are seeing the colors out of your Pantone chart: -The Printheads are deteriorating after every morning calibration. -The spectrophotometer is not working correctly properly. I would recommend contacting your support to check if that was the case. Besides, it will be interesting to know which is the principal color affected.

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#3 Drunknmonk 5 years ago

thanks for the information, I will check the printer tomorrow, the blog link helped a lot.

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