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Print goes to crap 8-10 feet in

#1 CDS_artroom_23 2 years ago

I just can't trust this HP700. I get a few beautiful prints. So I set up for a long run of posters and 8-10 feet in the printing turns to crap and get progressively similar to a bleeding Monet print. There is no documentation out there that show what this issue is. It does the same on Avery Wrap because I lost a 10 foot run for a vehicle wrap. Someone out there has dealt with this. Who can Help. The image attached is an example of it turned to crap. Thanks for the look.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @CDS_artroom_23, The issue seems related to the OP printhead. During printing, it seems that the printhead stops firing and the ink doesn't remain fixed. Before starting printing, send a PrintHead Status Plot from Front Panel to check the PrintHeads IQ. If the issue reappears, send a Printhead Status Plot after canceling the job to check if the OP Printhead fails. If this is it, replace the printhead. On the other hand, make sure you are using the correct OMS for your media brand. You can download the OMS from the Control Panel in the "Media Substrate" menu or download the OMS from the Media Locator and install it via the Embedded Web Server: I hope it helps.

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#3 morsalfabesibileklik 2 years ago


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