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Print issue HP Latex 330

#1 AEG2021 4 years ago

We recently replaced the belt on our HP 330 after it shredded. Afterwards, we have not been able to print due to a very peculiar issue. Every print starts out very clean and a little ways through begins to deteriorate. I have seen many different types of issues and have usually known how to fix them, however, this one is perplexing. I have never seen anything like this before and neither have the service techs that we've spoken to. There doesn't seem to be an answer to our problem so far and was wondering if anyone here may have seen something similar. I appreciate any input you all may have.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @AEG2021, It seems like you are using an expired media. Check if you are experiencing this issue in more medias or only this one. In addition to this, check also if this issue is happening on all substrate presets.

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#3 AEG2021 4 years ago

#2 This happens on every media we load and our substrate kits rarely last more than a week.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @AEG2021, One last thing I can think of worth checking is that the ink is not expired. If all these fail, I suggest contacting your support representative. I am sorry I can't help out more.

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#5 AEG2021 4 years ago

Appreciate your trying to help. We replaced every print head, twice now.

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#6 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#5 AEG2021 you have a problem with OP printhead(s), this bleeding happens when printhead isn't working right ...if you haven't replaced it yet - do it and shake ink cartridges very well. If the problem stays after replacement of PH, you may have a problem with so called ink-towers (where printhead needles are going into) - some air is going there and no ink..they are not transparent and you have to replace them..

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