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Printer doesnt show ONLINE (green) in

#1 sgwallart 10 years ago

Hi, I have configured my printer to connect to and everything else seems to be working as expected. However it doesnt show green light on the How do I make it goes green? Thanks. Regards AK

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

The red dot indicates the printer has not been connected to the HP Data Reporting service. In order to enable the HP Data reporting service, you will need to type the IP address of your printer on your browser to access the Embedded Web Server (EWS). Once in the EWS, please go to the Customer Involvement Program tab and enable the appropriate checkboxes. You can also access the CIP settings from the front panel of your printer. For additional information on the Customer Involvement Program, please refer to this link: Customer Involvement Program

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#3 sgwallart 10 years ago

Hi Marc, I have applied the CIP but still doesnt show GREEN. I have re-run test as well., Everything shows good.

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#4 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi, Since the registration on both (HP WallArt and CIP) have been done in different days, the light will turn green when the software will have enough data to send the report. The HP WallArt team told me that this will take a couple of weeks.

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#5 Francisco 9 years ago

I have the same problem on a L260. I have authorized sending information (CIP) since I have the printer installed and when I started using Wallart the only thing I got is a OFFLINE signal. Is there anything else we could do to bring printer OnLine?

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#6 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Francisco, Apart of the solutions i've provided to sgwallart, there could be other instances affecting the connectivity such as a restrictive firewall or proxy configuration that could result in the HP Data Reporting service/CIP not fully functioning. In any case, the HP Data Reporting service is an independent process from WallArt, so if you have problems we would recommend contacting the appropriate HP support department for further assistance on it, as it is outside our area of knowledge. You can contact them by dialing 800-334-5144. Anyway, even if the printer appears as not connected in the CIP, this will not affect the interaction between HP WallArt and your printer, it will continue running. Hope this helps.

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#7 Francisco 9 years ago

Hi Marc, Thank you for your reply. I have an additional question. Where can I find the QR Code to provide for our customers? It´s not located on customer area as presented on HP tutorial videos. I was wondering if it is related to this red light signal. Thank you again for your support. Best Regards, Francisco

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#8 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Your QR code is located on your HP WallArt account at Settings -> Customization tab: Make sure that Allow incoming jobs from iPad and android tablets is selected. Don’t forget to click the Update Settings button, down the page on the right corner, to make save your new setting. Regarding about the red light question. This, indicates that the printer has not been connected to the HP Data Reporting service. In order to enable the HP Data reporting service, you will need to type the IP address of your printer in your browser’s address bar to access the EWS (Embedded Web Server). Once in the EWS, please go to the Customer Involvement Program tab and enable the appropriate checkboxes. Even if it’s activated, the red light won’t turn green instantaneously, it may take a while, days. In any case, the HP Data Reporting service is an independent process from WallArt, so if you have problems we would recommend contacting the appropriate HP support department for further assistance on it, as it is outside our area of knowledge. You can contact them by dialing 800-334-5144.

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