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Printhead alignment tests

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 OAI_LFM 9 years ago

Can someone tell me if this is what it looks like when a printhead needs to be replaced, and if it is one of the Y/M heads or is it the LC/LM head? Printer: LX360 Thanks!

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi OAL_LFM, After having a look to your alignment plots my conclusion is the following: M/Y Slot 5: OK M/Y Slot 6: Magenta Not OK LM/LC Slot 2: LM Light Magenta Not OK If your printheads still under warranty, I will recommend you to contact your reseller or HP Troubleshooting.

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#3 ProColorGraphix 9 years ago

I am having similiar issues. Are you getting overspray on the edges of your prints? Of course, my just went out of warranty. From my experiece with all 3 versions of the latex printers, the L360 heads have had the shortest life span. I get 2k ml if I am lucky. On my L260, 3k to 4k was no problem at all.

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#4 twmiller24 9 years ago

Me, too. It seems like I'm going through heads almost as fast as cartridges. What's up with that?

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#5 ProColorGraphix 9 years ago

I called in to tech support. I was told that there has been some issues with a bad batch of magenta ink. They sent a tech out who replaced all 3 magenta heads and put in new magenta inks. He also did some new firmware update that he brought with on a jumpdrive. So far, the overspray issues I have been having are gone! Now we will see how long the heads last. I did also notice now with this new firmware, the head travel is only the media width. Before, the move would move across the hole printer no matter what you were printing. Now, on a 30" for example, it only moves 30".

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#6 twmiller24 9 years ago

Same response here. Their fix seems to have fixed the problem. But if anybody here is having that issue, call right away. We ruined quite a bit of material and went through several heads before we got it figured out.

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#7 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi to all, HP has developed a new printer firmware for the HP Latex 300 series printers that fixes the image quality issue you refer to. This new firmware is available with all new printers and is also being deployed to our printer installed base through HP Service and authorized partners. We have also temporarily extended the printhead warranty to cover for any potential printhead failure due to this problem. Please get in touch with your service representative to get immediate support.

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