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Printing a picture on Canvas. Too much Magenta? How can I fix? HP 315

#1 kloostermanderek10169 3 years ago

Skin tones look to magenta.

#2 paulelw 3 years ago

Check all of your printheads using the diagnositic print to make sure none of them have blocked nozzles - change out any failing printheads. If all of your printheads are ok and the problem is still there: Depending on which profile was used you will need to delete your current one and resintall the profile from a new downloaded OMS File. You can alway back them up if you want to keep track of them. You can also use an existing profile such as generic canvas and see if any colours improve.

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#3 kloostermanderek10169 3 years ago

#2 Thank you! Our nozzles don't seem to be plugged. But we will try the different profiles, and see if that works.

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