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Very satisfied
Hello everyone I`m having HP Latex 570, and recently i got problems with prints. I tried to print on a banner substrate steiko (which i used to print already before), which was brand new and opened just before print. It started to print normal but after aprox. 20cm it started to print grainy, faded and light as you can see in attachement (it prints okay until "sock" then you can see lighter color till end of job). When job was done i printed againg the same file and it looked the same - 20 cm okay, then rest of work light/faded. It started recently to happen also on matt monomeric vinyl but didn`t noticed on other prints on substrates like HP PVC vinylfree, gloss monomeric vinyl, silk paper etc. Does it looks like a problem with substrate to you, with printheads or something else? I`ve seen solution to try cleaning substrate with isopropylic alcohol and check if something changes and will try it tomorrow. Thanks in advance