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Pump Failure.

#1 prepress14157 a year ago

Hi, After about half a day of printing I started getting print head integrity errors. On doing a diagnostic check it seems that pump 3 (oc) has failed. Our tech asked me to try cleaning out the air intakes, but this didn't help. He's not available for a couple of days, but I don't want to have this much downtime. I don't have a replacement print head as one has already failed and I'm waiting on a replacement under warranty. Is there anything I can do? Thanks. Error codes 0088-0001-0302. Pump 3 (OC) Fail.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @prepress14157, Can you please advise on the printer model?

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#3 prepress14157 a year ago

Latex R1000. Sorry, I thought that was included in the post.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @prepress14157, I understand from this system error you need to replace some parts and this should only be done by a certified support representative. I am sorry I can't provide an alternative solution.

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