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R1000 IPS - bulk delete

HP Latex R1000 Printer

#1 ryan6534 5 years ago

I am running a job that requires 1,600 different files be loaded on to the IPS. Is there a way to bulk delete these off the IPS when I am done? Right now, all I seem to be able to do is select 1 file in queue and then press the trash can icon. This is painfully slow. I used to own the fb550, and its IPS had an option for "select multiple" in the job queue screen. Looking for something like this on the r1000. Am I overlooking it?

#2 Marcos KAIZEN 4 years ago

#2 Hola, tengo el mismo problema con mi R2000 y aún no ha te habido solución (Mayo 2020). Habrá solución en un futuro cercano? gracias

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hello, In the last FW version (MR3), there is a functionality that can be used to keep or not the printed jobs in the inbox. From MR3 newsletter release notes: A setting to keep all printed jobs in the Inbox has been added. It determines if a printed job is moved from the Inbox to History or not. It can be modified at Preferences > Queue > Automatically move completed jobs to History. In the upcoming FW release (MR4) there is a new functionality to multi-select jobs in the inbox, you will be able to delete multiple jobs at once. MR4 is now available, not yet on, but our service support have it and customers with MR3 or MR4 will have it download it automatically on their PC so service support can install it faster. Notice that if you use the MR3 functionality, only the job is deleted from the inbox, but the original file remains in the PC so the space on the HDD does not change.

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