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Re: Have you ever seen this Printhead issue ?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Hi Please just see linked pictures...have you ever seen this Printhead issue ?Printer prints well and sometimes I can see some light Cyan stain streak. I can see it very rarely. It usually arrives after 3 meters print interval.Most of the time, customers never see any issue but sometimes tbis issue could be visible.I have run printhead cleaning and this light cyan printhead had printed only 300ml. Have you ever seen a similar issue ?

#2 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

It couldn't be OMAS issues because HP Latex L310 don't have OMAS...

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#3 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Is it normal that a new printhead could have this issue ? I hoped that this issue will desapear after lots of prints but no evolution.

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#4 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

OK, i'll try this...

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#5 Josh12point 7 years ago

We seem to be having the same issue on our Latex 360. Its much more noticable in teals and some darker blues. Have you had any luck correcting it? We recently purchased a 570 and the 360 has become our secondary machine. I'm going to reset everything to factory and recalibrate everything I can. Replace all printheads and do come cleaning. I'll let you know my results.

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#6 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

I have replaced Light CYAN printhead and it seems to solve this issue. Just replace the printhead and please let me know if it solves your problem ?

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#7 TGAPCLT 7 years ago

Another consideration is that there may be bulid up of dried ink under the carriage itself that is dragging across the media causing this streak. To confirm, follow the these steps: Select Change Printheads and remove all remove maintenance cartridge turn off printer and manually push carridge back to home postion. using a lint free cloth and isopropyl alcohol, gently wipe the under part of the carriage. May want to use a small mirror to make sure you cleaning the right areas Pull carriage back to service position and, using your cleaning kit, follow instructiions and clean the inside of each PH cavity. Put everything back together and I bet your streak issue is gone This is probably not something HP would suggest you do yourself, but I've had two customers complete the task with excellent results.

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#8 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Does your customers have exactly the same issue ? (see pictures on the first message)

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#9 TGAPCLT 7 years ago

Pretty much so - bottom line is other options aren't working so my suggestion would be to take a stab and see. Again, it's probably build up on this particular ph position - won't know until you try.

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#10 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Does your customers are very very much printing with their printer? How many SMK services they have done ?

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#11 Josh12point 7 years ago

lerouxjul wrote: I have replaced Light CYAN printhead and it seems to solve this issue. Just replace the printhead and please let me know if it solves your problem ? Replacing the printhead fixed our issue as well. Thanks!

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#12 TGAPCLT 7 years ago

Pretty sure they haven't reached MK #3 yet. It might be best to contact support to discuss this option. It might very well work.

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#13 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

but MK #3 is the first service, you know ? If they don't have done MK #3 service, their printer is all new, isn't it ?

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#14 TGAPCLT 7 years ago

Yes, I'm aware that #3 is first. Not trying to compare customer's usage vs yours, just offering a possible solution. Happy printing!

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