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Re: [LATEX 300 series] Improving Scratch resistance...

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Hi everybody, Please could you said how is it possible to improve HP Latex 300 Series Scratch resistance ? - Increase/Decrease optimizer ? - Increase/Decrease ink quantity ? - Increase/Decrease fusing temperature ? - Other ideas ...? Thanks, Julien

#2 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Nobody can answer this simple question ?

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#3 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Does increasing optimizer always increase scratch resistance? Actually 15%, I can increase to 25 ?

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#4 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

I print on Hexis V200 adhesive vinyl media. Curing temperature is already at the maximum level : 116°. What is usually the maximum optimizer lever that I can try ?

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#5 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

I ask these questions only for Hexis V200 adhesive vinyl media. No problem with other medias. Does decreasing ink quantity to 90% will allow to improve Scratch resistance ?

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#6 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

? ?

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#7 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Hi, The problem is on self adhesif vinyl. We do exactly same thing you can see on this video :\_continue=3&v=AvHkF1lACRE and the friction beetween squeegee and vinyl can cause little scratches. I just want to improve scratch resistance to avoid theses little scratches.

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#8 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Of course I know that laminate the Vinyl will resolve Scratch risk. I use protected squeegee too. My question wasn't "How can I avoid scratching printed vinyl?" ...but was just "how can I improve Scratch resistance printing with L310" ?

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#9 lerouxjul2 7 years ago


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#10 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Yes I use Hexis V200 certified media with official profile. I don't said that there is bad Scratch resistance, I just want to ask you if you can give me a solution to improve even more scratch resistance... Then does increasing Optimizer can improve scratch resistance?

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#11 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

You said that if I increase too much Optimizer level that will reduce scratch resistance?

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#12 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

OK, then If I want to increase scratch resistance, I just have to increase optimizer as much as I can ?

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#13 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

Then If I want to increase scratch resistance, I just have to increase optimizer as much as I can ?

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#14 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

On the video I can understand that increasing too much Optimizer can reduce scratch resistance ??

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#15 lerouxjul2 7 years ago

What do you think about that ?

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