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Re: Vertical banding on the Latex 360

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 MikeMac 10 years ago

I am getting vertical bands(only on orange and purple) on 3MIJ180. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so what was the remedy?

#2 StellatheFB 8 years ago

I have! I used to get banding of magenta in my full coverage of prints when I used IJ180C I found that if I always do a head cleaning, nozzle check, head alignment check, and replace the magenta ink cartridge it cleared up..

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#3 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi, I will recommend you to contact your support source. I know that we've been experimenting some similar issues as the one you are mentioning. if you can attach some pictures of the issue it will be really helpful for them. I will also like to ask you to comeback with the solution i case it could help other users.

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#4 spotman 8 years ago

FDC banner, zig-zag vertical banding. L2550. HELP!!

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#5 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Spotman, Hope you are doing good. As we can see, you have a L25500. Please find the answer here: I hope this helps, Best,

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#6 AbrahamB 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue of vetical banding, but in the printer's panel doesn't appear the " Vertical Correction" how can this feature be enabled??

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#7 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi AbrahamB, if you are experimenting issues with plasticizers I'll recommend you to follow the instructions provided in the following topic: Vertical Banding or Grain If your vertical banding is not caused by the plasticizers, I'll recommend you to contact your support source in order to check that everything is correct with you printer. Just for your information, the "Vertical Correction" has been disabled since it was not solving the vertical banding issues properly. Hope this helps.

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#8 ejborkez 7 years ago

HI, you can not, ennable tha, because is an option that was removed with an firmware actualitations, i had the same question....

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#9 AdaptiveTextile 7 years ago

I know this is an old topic, but I thought I'd throw in my observation. The waves seen in the pic above could be from the substrate input rollers... if your model printer has the same ones as my 370 model. I had issues while running prints, and the printer would suck them back too far, creating those exact shapes in the print. Your issue is probably a plasticizer problem, combined with the substrate thickness/type getting clamped too hard with the rollers. Unfortunately, I don't have a ton of experience using that substrate type, so I don't have a definite fix for you.. hopefully my info can at least lead you towards the right direction though. I included a pic of the problem area below.

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#10 amelieliu 7 years ago

Hi We have Latex360 ,when we print the pure color (blue,green,purple...) it always has vertical banding ,no matter what we adjustment (adj. the temp. vaccum, raise the passes ...) it doesn't improve. We call the reseller but the engineer says he can't fix it. Has any way to improve vertical banding? Many thanks. RIP : CALDERA Media: Muramour SABLE\_decor/mura1300sab curing temp: 85 input tension: 15 optimizer: 12 airflow: 175 passes: 20 vaccum: 30 ink density: 130 resolution:600

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#11 TV_SMITH 7 years ago

Hi, we fix that problem! You have to take off the 3 fan in the back, but don't disconnect. Lemme know if it works!

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#12 amelieliu 7 years ago

Hi,we will call the engineer to try it. TKS

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