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Red like orange

HP Latex 330 Printer

#1 Durwankur 8 years ago

I purchased HP Latex 330 Printer for better Quality & Speed of printing & advance technology. but after few days I realised that there is no actual Red colour in better speed. Its totally looks Orange red. I satisfied on 6 Pass - 180 sq.ft /hr I try to solve this problem too many times by myself & HP Engineer. Engineers said You can print on above 10 pass for actual red but it takes double timing for eatch job. its output is 10 pass = near 90-100 sq.ft its too mutch low speed from my previous Ecosolvent printer Other Colours are OK on 6 pass My 60% job is on 6 pass mode. Pls help me for this red colour issue on this passes.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Durwankur, May I recommend you to use the 8p printmode? Is the one we use when we are looking for high saturated colors at a high speed. Maybe the speed of the 8p mode will be closer to your speed requirements. I will also recommend you to activate the Run Long Consistency Mode if you are printing a long run job and also the spit on bars in both sides in order to get a better color. Let me know if this recommendations have helped you.

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#3 Durwankur 8 years ago

Thanks.. but consider to customer, time & cost of job I can't print every time on 8 or above passes. I already use your suggestion for better customer. other colours have no any issue on 6 pass only red is unsatisfied. Before purchasing Latex I attract on bellow speed mentioned in brochure : 23 m²/hr (248 ft²/hr) - Outdoor High Speed (4 pass) 17 m²/hr (183 ft²/hr) - Outdoor Plus (6 pass) To maintain this single shade why we print on 10 or above passes & get 108 sq.ft /hr? Its expensive & waste of time for me. My pre Ecosolvent Output was 140 sq.ft/hr in good quality. If I continue with 8 /10 pass I feel to get HP Latex to me on back foot. I compared other Ecosolvent machine like Roland in production mode but there is no more deference in shade. Can you suggest me in improve Red Colour on this passes?

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Durwankur, After discussing with several experts here, I will recommend you the following: Use the 8 passes mode of your HP Latex 330 (140 sq.ft/hr) achieving the same speed as your old Solvent printer and increase the ink density to 120%. this should allow you to print high saturated color at an acceptable speed. I will like to suggest you to make some trial first since you will need to increase the temperature in order to cure correctly and this could cause some media deformation on your vinyl. Hope this helps.

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#5 TG-Frank 8 years ago

You could try to create a color profile (ICC) in your RIP-Software. This will not lead to a perfect red in print modes with 4 or 6 Passes, but will do the best out of the conditions.

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#6 ejborkez 7 years ago

HI, you will no have a real solution for this troubleshotting. i have one 360 too, but i can not solve this problem, even with the help of the HP Enginners. If you uses more ink on your media increasing the ink limit, you will have dry problems. If you find a solutions for this, let me know it.

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