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Register a used Latex 370

#1 marcel7716 4 years ago

I have bought a used Latex 370, and try to ad it to my HP account. It says "this serial number is already taken" Is it possible to re-register the printer to my account? And how can i do it? Or is it for first users only?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @marcel7716,

To make sure I am looking for the right answer, can you please advise where you are trying to register the printer? Is it, Print OS, or any other? Thanks!

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#3 marcel7716 4 years ago

Trying to register at the HP Applications Center/Wallart (

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @marcel7716,

In order to fix this, can you please drop me an email at with the s/n information. I assume you do not have the previous customer name. With this, we would reset it and you can register it afterwards.

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