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request a physical copy of the swatchbook.

#1 Abhi 10 years ago

i need samples. which i can show to my customer and take their orders.

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi Abhi, In order to get a swatchbook, you need to contact your HP country/region Marketing Manager. Where are you from?

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#3 Abhi 10 years ago

i am from Country- India, State- maharashtra, district- Ahmednagar , Taluka- Sangamner . zip code - 422605

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#4 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi Abhi, I'll send you the contact by personal message.

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#5 Abhi 10 years ago

ok Thank u

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#6 bolo11161973 10 years ago

I'm also looking for a HP swatch book, they use to come with the HP Z6200 plotter but not any more if someone can direct me to where I can get one that would be appreciated.

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#7 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi bolo11161973, Are you looking for a swatchbook for a Designjet Z series printer? Can you please tell me where are you located in order to contact the proper region.

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#8 bolo11161973 10 years ago

USA in Michigan

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#9 bolo11161973 10 years ago

Yes I looking for a swatch book for Z 6200 plotters, USA Michigan

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#10 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi bolo11161973, I've talked with my colleagues from the Designjet Marketing Team in the US (since I'm based in Barcelona) and they told me that if you provide me your address they will send you a swatchbook ASAP. If you want, send me our address by private message and I will let them know.

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#11 Shane Wilson 5 years ago

#10 Hello I'm looking for downloadable swatch books for latex printers one is called Explore the window blinds and shade opportunity with HP Latex Printing Technology the other is called Printed Interiors - Applications portfolio printed with HP Latex Technology you can email me on

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#12 r0t0rhead 5 years ago

I would also like a swatchbook of all materials that are printable on the Latex 570

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