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Restoring old firmware

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Studio13 7 years ago

Is it possible to go back to the previous firmware? I've been having a lot of problems with print quality with our 330, prints are very grainy and mottled. I've tried all the suggestions on here and in the manual and replaced all printheads etc. We've had the printer just over 12 months and it suddenly starting happening a couple of months ago around the same time the firmware was updated so i am wondering if that could be the cause? Also i can't find an option to turn vertical correction on/off in the printer or the rip (onyx ripcenter)?

#2 Studio13 7 years ago

Hi Sonia thanks for the reply, i will speak to HP and see what they suggest. We've been using the same media for the past 12 months with no issues until now. I've tried everything different passes, ink saturation, optimiser levels etc. I can get it slightly better but no where near what it was before and it has slowed down the printing speed a lot. The only other thing i can think of is the firmware upgrade being the cause, or possibly dodgy ink cartridge, running out of ideas! Is there a way to get vertical correction as an option back on the printer? Really dissapointed that this has happened as it's only about 13 months old, our previous hp 5000 lasted years with very few issues!

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#3 kev271297259 4 years ago

#1 was it possible to get the older version?

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